www.ncr.indianrailways.gov.in - NCR (North and Central Railway) has announced recruitment of Lecturer and assistant teacher posts. Candidates who are 10th, 12th, graduate can apply for this job on or before 10th May, 2014. Below is more information about NCR recruitment for teaching staff.
Post Type :- Teaching (teachers).
No of post :- 4 post of Lecturer and 14 post of Assistant Teacher .
Age limit :- There is special notice about age limit, which is mentioned in the official document, do check it. Age relaxation is applicable as per the government rules.
Education Qualification: - Candidates who are 10th, 12th, B.E, Bachelor's Degree, Master Degree can apply for these teaching jobs.
Selection process: - Interview only. There will be personal interview for each candidate, by which they will be selected.
Pay scale: - Rs. 170 - 220/- Per Lecturer. (For more info, do check official website).
How to apply for this job?
If you are interested in this job then you need to download the application form for this job. Which is available on http://www.ncr.indianrailways.gov.in/ (official website). After filling application form, you need to send the application form on the below mentioned address on or before 10th May, 2014.
Address -Principal, North Central Railway College, Tundla, Distt:Firozabad, Pin:283204 (Uttar Pradesh) .
Last date to receive form is 10th May only, no forms will be accepted after that.
Official website :- http://www.ncr.indianrailways.gov.in/
NCR Jobs for Teaching Staff - ncr.indianrailways.gov.in
North & central Railway Is looking for freelancing base teaching staff, who is qualified and can teach their staff.
Post Type :- Teaching (teachers).
No of post :- 4 post of Lecturer and 14 post of Assistant Teacher .
Age limit :- There is special notice about age limit, which is mentioned in the official document, do check it. Age relaxation is applicable as per the government rules.
Education Qualification: - Candidates who are 10th, 12th, B.E, Bachelor's Degree, Master Degree can apply for these teaching jobs.
Selection process: - Interview only. There will be personal interview for each candidate, by which they will be selected.
Pay scale: - Rs. 170 - 220/- Per Lecturer. (For more info, do check official website).
How to apply for this job?
If you are interested in this job then you need to download the application form for this job. Which is available on http://www.ncr.indianrailways.gov.in/ (official website). After filling application form, you need to send the application form on the below mentioned address on or before 10th May, 2014.
Address -Principal, North Central Railway College, Tundla, Distt:Firozabad, Pin:283204 (Uttar Pradesh) .
Last date to receive form is 10th May only, no forms will be accepted after that.
Official website :- http://www.ncr.indianrailways.gov.in/
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